Because we love octocat! 💕
This theme is still in a very early stage, issues & Contributions are welcome!
Please use yarn
as there is no npm.lock
To get a stable version
yarn add gatsby-theme-replica
or to get the latest preview version
yarn add gatsby-theme-replica@next
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-theme-replica',
options: {
contentPath: 'content', // folder of your post source
Please refer to gatsby-config
Create a under your post source folder, the content will appear at the blog's homepage just like github's username/username/ does.
- date: You may need to specify your timezone explicitly to get the calendar and date right.
- valid format:
- tags: must be an array
- category: string
title: This is a title
date: 2020-12-01 18:46:26 +8
tags: [promise]
category: JS
Links from jsfiddle
, gist
will be converted to iframe block automatically. Example,html,css
Add disqus config into gatsby-config.js
to enable disqus plugin. It appears at the bottom of post page when enabled.