Native iOS/macOS client written in swift
This client provides following functionality
- Easy to setup and use
- Support for emitting and listening to remote events
- Pub/sub
- Authentication (JWT)
Client supports following platforms
- iOS >= 8.0
- macOS>= 10.10
- watchOS >= 2.0
- tvOS >= 9.0
pod 'ScClient'
- To install add this to depedencies section of Package.swift
dependencies: [
// other dependencies
.package(url: "", from: "2.0.1")
- To use the library add this to target dependencies
targets: [
name: "tool",
dependencies: [
Create instance of scclient
by passing url of socketcluster-server end-point
//Create a client instance
var client = ScClient(url: "http://localhost:8000/socketcluster/")
Important Note : Default url to socketcluster end-point is always ws://
- Different closure functions are given as an argument to register listeners
- Example : main.swift
import Foundation
import ScClient
var client = ScClient(url: "http://localhost:8000/socketcluster/")
var onConnect = {
(client :ScClient) in
print("Connnected to server")
var onDisconnect = {
(client :ScClient, error : Error?) in
print("Disconnected from server due to ", error?.localizedDescription)
var onAuthentication = {
(client :ScClient, isAuthenticated : Bool?) in
print("Authenticated is ", isAuthenticated)
startCode(client : client)
var onSetAuthentication = {
(client : ScClient, token : String?) in
print("Token is ", token)
client.setBasicListener(onConnect: onConnect, onConnectError: nil, onDisconnect: onDisconnect)
client.setAuthenticationListener(onSetAuthentication: onSetAuthentication, onAuthentication: onAuthentication)
while(true) { Date())
func startCode(client scclient.Client) {
// start writing your code from here
// All emit, receive and publish events
- For connecting to server:
//This will send websocket handshake request to socketcluster-server
//This will send websocket handshake request to socketcluster-server
var status = client.isConnected()
- eventname is name of event and message can be String, boolean, Int or Object
client.emit(eventName: eventname, data: message as AnyObject)
//client.emit(eventName: "chat", data: "This is my sample message" as AnyObject)
- To send event with acknowledgement
client.emitAck(eventName: "chat", data: "This is my sample message" as AnyObject, ack : {
(eventName : String, error : AnyObject? , data : AnyObject?) in
print("Got data for eventName ", eventName, " error is ", error, " data is ", data)
- For listening to events :
The object received can be String, Boolean, Int or Object
// Receiver code without sending acknowledgement back
client.on(eventName: "yell", ack: {
(eventName : String, data : AnyObject?) in
print("Got data for eventName ", eventName, " data is ", data)
- To send acknowledgement back to server
// Receiver code with ack
client.onAck(eventName: "yell", ack: {
(eventName : String, data : AnyObject?, ack : (AnyObject?, AnyObject?) -> Void) in
print("Got data for eventName ", eventName, " data is ", data)
ack("This is error " as AnyObject, "This is data " as AnyObject)
- For creating and subscribing to channels:
// without acknowledgement
client.subscribe(channelName: "yell")
//with acknowledgement
client.subscribeAck(channelName: "yell", ack : {
(channelName : String, error : AnyObject?, data : AnyObject?) in
if (error is NSNull) {
print("Successfully subscribed to channel ", channelName)
} else {
print("Got error while subscribing ", error)
- For publishing event :
// without acknowledgement
client.publish(channelName: "yell", data: "I am sending data to yell" as AnyObject)
// with acknowledgement
client.publishAck(channelName: "yell", data: "I am sending data to yell" as AnyObject, ack : {
(channelName : String, error : AnyObject?, data : AnyObject?) in
if (error is NSNull) {
print("Successfully published to channel ", channelName)
}else {
print("Got error while publishing ", error)
- For listening to channel event :
client.onChannel(channelName: "yell", ack: {
(channelName : String , data : AnyObject?) in
print ("Got data for channel", channelName, " object data is ", data)
// without acknowledgement
client.unsubscribe(channelName: "yell")
//with acknowledgement
client.unsubscribeAck(channelName: "yell", ack : {
(channelName : String, error : AnyObject?, data : AnyObject?) in
if (error is NSNull) {
print("Successfully unsubscribed to channel ", channelName)
} else {
print("Got error while unsubscribing ", error)
var client = ScClient(url: "http://localhost:8000/socketcluster/")
A custom queue can be specified when delegate methods are called. By default DispatchQueue.main
is used, thus making all delegate methods calls run on the main thread. It is important to note that all WebSocket processing is done on a background thread, only the delegate method calls are changed when modifying the queue. The actual processing is always on a background thread and will not pause your app.
var client = ScClient(url: "http://localhost:8000/socketcluster/")
//create a custom queue
client.setBackgroundQueue(queueName : "com.example.chatapp")
You can also override the default websocket headers with your own custom ones like so:
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "http://localhost:8000/socketcluster/")!)
request.timeoutInterval = 5
request.setValue("someother protocols", forHTTPHeaderField: "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")
request.setValue("14", forHTTPHeaderField: "Sec-WebSocket-Version")
request.setValue("Everything is Awesome!", forHTTPHeaderField: "My-Awesome-Header")
var client = ScClient(URLRequest: request)
Your server may use a different HTTP method when connecting to the websocket:
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "http://localhost:8000/socketcluster/")!)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.timeoutInterval = 5
var client = ScClient(URLRequest: request)
If you need to specify a protocol, simple add it to the init:
//chat and superchat are the example protocols here
var request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "http://localhost:8000/socketcluster/")!)
var client = ScClient(URLRequest: request, protocols: ["chat","superchat"])