Personal Information Manager
This Personal Information Manager is a web application designed to collect and manage personal data using Django Rest Framework as the backend and Vue.js for the frontend interface. The application allows users to enter their name, surname, contact number, age, and gender through a form, storing this data in a database. Users can view all surname entries and edit only the most recent entry.
- Backend: Django Rest Framework
- Frontend: Vue.js
- Environment: Python Virtual Environment
- Python 3.x
- we need pip too but pip is usually included automatically when installing Python on Windows.
- Virtualenv
- Django REST framework
- Django CORS headers
- This package provides a way to configure your Django application to allow requests from different origins.
- Node.js and npm
- Axois
- This will be used to communicate with the backend.
Create a virtual environment and activate it:
virtualenv vueango_3_10_7 #The numbers represent the version of Python that we are using vueango_3_10_7\Scripts\activate
Install backend dependencies:
pip install django pip install djangorestframework pip install django-cors-headers
Create the Django Project
django-admin startproject myproj
Create a superuser for the admin interface
cd myproj python createsuperuser
Run database migrations:
python migrate
Start the Django server:
python runserver
Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd frontend
Install frontend dependencies:
npm install npm install axios
Create the Vue Project
vue create frontend
Compile and hot-reload for development:
npm run serve
- Data Collection: Users can input their name, surname, contact number, age, and gender through a form.
- Data Storage: Information is stored in a relational database managed by Django.
- View Entries: Users can view all the surnames that have been entered.
- Edit Functionality: Users can only edit the information of the most recently added entry that they have submitted.
- Endpoint:
- Method: GET
- Description: Retrieve a list of all entries, including name, surname, contact number, age, and gender.
- The application will display all information at the local server URL:, which allows for API access. In contrast, the front-end application will present only the surnames at http://localhost:8080/.
- Endpoint:
- Method: POST
- Description: Add a new entry to the database with fields for name, surname, contact number, age, and gender.
- Endpoint:
- Method: PUT
- Description: Edit the entry in the database.
- Form Component: A Vue.js component that handles user input and form submission.
- Entry List Component: Displays all surname entries, highlighting the most recent entry.
- Edit Form Component: Allows users to edit the latest entry that they have submitted.