JaamSim is a discrete-event simulation environment developed by Ausenco Sandwell as the foundation of all our simulation applications. It represents about 10 man-years of effort since 2002 and in under continuous development to support our simulation projects. JaamSim is used daily by our team of 16 simulation analysts and programmers.
Examples of our simulation models can be seen at: www.youtube.com/user/javasimulation.
JaamSim is written in the Java programming language and includes a drag-and-drop user interface, interactive 3D graphics, input and output processing, and model development tools and editors.
The key feature that makes JaamSim different from commercial off-the-shelf simulation software is that it allows a user to develop new pallets of high-level objects for a given application. These objects will automatically have 3D graphics, be available in the drag-and-drop interface, and have their inputs editable through the Input Editor. Users can focus on the logic for their objects without having to program a user interface and input/output processing.
All the coding for new objects is done in standard Java using standard development tools such as Eclipse. There is no need for the specialised simulation languages, process flow diagrams, or scripting languages used by commercial off-the-shelf simulation software. Model logic can be coded directly in either a event- or process-oriented style using a few simple classes and methods provided by JaamSim.
This first release includes only a few graphical objects that can be dragged-and-dropped. Pallets of basic objects such as queues, servers, etc. will be added in the next few months.
A copy of Java3d 1.5.2 is included to make for an easy first build, simply run the build.sh script from the top level to produce a functional jar 'JaamSim.jar'
To build it in another environment, link the lib/ folder as an external classpath folder, or download your own copy of Java3d from Sun.
JaamSim is GPLv3
Java3d is a mix of GPLv2+CLASSPATH exception and BSD (2-clause)
A dae loader from the sweethome3d project is also included which is GPL2+ (here distributed as GPL3+)
For licensing and general inquiries: Dr. Harry King harry.king@ausencosandwell.com
If you have any problems building the source or technical inquiries: Harvey Harrison harvey.harrison@ausencosandwell.com
- Further tightening of the code now that JaamSim is a standalone application
- Pallets of basic objects such as queue, server, source, sink, etc.
- Inputs files for example models
- User manual
- Programming guide