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Official implementation of the paper: "CSIM: A Copula-based similarity index sensitive to local changes for Image quality assessment"

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Copula-based Similarity Metric (CSIM)

Official implementation of the paper: "CSIM: A Copula-based similarity index sensitive to local changes for Image quality assessment"



📖 Overview

Copula-based Similarity Metric (CSIM) is a unique approach for measuring image similarity that leverages the properties of Gaussian copulas to provide a locally sensitive measure of similarity between images. Unlike traditional metrics, CSIM is designed to capture both global and local image features, making it particularly effective for applications in medical imaging, remote sensing, and any domain requiring fine-grained image comparison.

A visual graph of the CSIM implementation is given in the following diagram:

graph TD
    A[Input Image1] -->|Extract Local Features| B[Patches Image1]
    A2[Input Image2] -->|Extract Local Features| B2[Patches Image2]
    B -->|Reshape Features| C[Feature Vectors Image1]
    B2 -->|Reshape Features| C2[Feature Vectors Image2]
    subgraph Compute Copula
    C --> D[Compute Ranks]
    C2 --> D
    D --> E[Apply PPF]
    E --> F[Copula Vector Image1]
    E --> F2[Copula Vector Image2]
    F -->|Euclidean Distance| G[Similarity]
    F2 --> G
    G --> H[Local Similarities List]
    H --> I{More Patches?}
    I -->|Yes| C
    I -->|No| J[Reshape Local Similarities]
    J --> K[Output Similarity Map]

    style A fill:#D4E157,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style A2 fill:#D4E157,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style B fill:#81C784,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style B2 fill:#81C784,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style C fill:#AED581,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style C2 fill:#AED581,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style D fill:#64B5F6,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style E fill:#FF8A65,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style F fill:#BA68C8,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style F2 fill:#BA68C8,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style G fill:#9575CD,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style H fill:#FFCA28,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style I fill:#42A5F5,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style J fill:#FF7043,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px
    style K fill:#0288D1,stroke:#000,stroke-width:2px

🌟 Features

  • Locally Sensitive: Captures detailed differences at a granular level.
  • Gaussian Copula-Based: Utilizes statistical properties for robust similarity measurement.
  • Versatile Usage: Suitable for various image types and applications.
  • Extensible: Easily installation package and fast use.

🚀 Getting Started

Package Installation

To install the CopulaSimilarity package, you can use pip:

pip install CopulaSimilarity


git clone

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Python library usage

you can import the package and estimate the similarity map as follow:

from CopulaSimilarity.CSM import CopulaBasedSimilarity as CSIMSimilarity
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Default patch_size set to 8 but can be changed depending on the aimed balance between accuracy and realtime
copula_similarity = CSIMSimilarity(patch_size=8) 

#load your images
image1 = cv2.imread('path_to_image1')
image2 = cv2.imread('path_to_image2')

#calculate the similarity map
csim_map = copula_similarity.compute_local_similarity(image1, image2)

# Optionally: you can show the similarity map using cv2 or matplotlib
#cv2.imshow('Similarity Map', csim_map)
# or
plt.imshow(csim_map, cmap='virdis')

#if you need a single value you can calculate the mean of the copula similarity map
csim = np.mean(csim_map)

Other metrics can also be used, the implementation is based on (image-similarity-measures)[] package. you can either install it using pip install image-similarity-measures command, or you can also use our implementation. To use other metrics such as SSIM FSIM and ISSM, it's very similar however they only return a value. Tutorial:

from similarity_metrics.fsim_quality import FSIMsimilarity
from similarity_metrics.issm_quality import ISSMsimilarity

fsim_similarity = FSIMsimilarity()
issm_similarity = ISSMsimilarity()

#load your images
image1 = cv2.imread('path_to_image1')
image2 = cv2.imread('path_to_image2')

ssim_value = fsim_similarity.fsim(image1, image2)
issm_value = issm_similarity.issm(image1, image2)

Command-Line Usage

Two codes are provided within this repository, one for static comparison and the other for dynamic analysis.

To run those, the github repository should be clones and requirements installed. Follow Installation.

Afterward, below command line can be executed.

Static Comparison

You can use the provided command-line tool to compute image similarity metrics directly from the terminal between two images as following.

python --path1 PATH_TO_IMAGE1 --path2 PATH_TO_IMAGE2 [--issm] [--fsim] [--ssim] [--rmse] [--psnr] [--save_csim_map]


  • --path1: (REQUIRED) Path to the first image
  • --path2: (REQUIRED) Path to the second image
  • --issm: (OPTIONAL) Compute ISSM similarity
  • --fsim: (OPTIONAL) Compute FSIM similarity
  • --ssim: (OPTIONAL) Compute SSIM similarity
  • --rmse: (OPTIONAL) Compute RMSE
  • --psnr: (OPTIONAL) Compute PSNR
  • --save_csim_map: (OPTIONAL) Save the Copula-Based Similarity Map as an image file
  • --patch_size (OPTIONAL, DEFAULT=8): Specifies the size of the patches used in the Copula-Based Similarity (CSIM) computation. This parameter determines the dimensions of the image patches extracted for similarity analysis.

⚠️ warning ⚠️: A very small patch size can lead over-estimation of the similarity and may exponentially increase processing time due to the larger number of patches to be processed

Dynamic Comparison

We also provide a code for frame-by-frame analysis, where the similarity is computed between the first frame considered as reference and subsequent ones as mentionned in the paper. To run the code, you can execute the following command line.

python --path_to_video PATH_TO_VIDEO --output_video_path OUTPUT_VIDEO_PATH.mp4 [--issm] [--fsim] [--ssim] [--save_final_frame] [--show_live_window] [--resolution_factor=RESOLUTION ]FACTOR]


  • --path_to_video: (REQUIRED) Path to the video
  • --output_video_path: (REQUIRED) Output path to save the resulting video analysis
  • --issm: (OPTIONAL) Compute ISSM similarity
  • --fsim: (OPTIONAL) Compute FSIM similarity
  • --ssim: (OPTIONAL) Compute SSIM similarity
  • --save_final_frame: (OPTIONAL) Save the final result figure
  • --show_live_window: (OPTIONAL) Show live processing (might be slow due to video resolution or texture and due to FSIM slow computation)
  • --resolution_factor: (OPTIONAL, DEFAULT=8) Resolution factor te reduce video size for fast processing
  • --patch_size (OPTIONAL, DEFAULT=8): Specifies the size of the patches used in the Copula-Based Similarity (CSIM) computation. This parameter determines the dimensions of the image patches extracted for similarity analysis.

⚠️ warning ⚠️: A very small patch size can lead over-estimation of the similarity and may exponentially increase processing time due to the larger number of patches to be processed

📰 Paper Results Reproducibility

The results provided in our paper can be reproduced following the notebooks Comparative_study_eval.ipynb and CSIQ_eval.ipynb. You can also plot the figure from save pickle files in pkldata.

📚 Example Use Case

Two use cases have been studied in the paper: Healthcare and astronomy. In both, we have recovered part of Youtube videos (link below), to which we have applied the CSIM and compared it to other metrics SSIM ISSM and FSIM. The first frame is fixed and taken as reference, and the four similarity metrics are calculated between reference frame and subsequent ones.

MRI imagery: Human brain

MRI captures movement of the brain - 0:10 to 0:16 The example below shows a comparative study on an MRI video with a moving Gland. Curves plot highlights the differences captured by each metric, demonstrating the high sensitivity and accuracy of CSIM in returning low value but also locating the changes in the Copula Similarity Map.


Astronomy: Andromeda Galaxy

Andromeda Galaxy - 2:16 to 2:26 The example below shows a comparative study on an Andromeda Galaxy video with a moving circle by the center of the video. The intensity is very slightly changing between the frames as it is barely visible even in raw difference between current frame and reference frame (Video - b). However, the CSIM still captures the differences precisely as show in Copula Similarity Map.



Please cite use if you use our method or implementation as following:

      title={CSIM: A Copula-based similarity index sensitive to local changes for Image quality assessment}, 
      author={Safouane El Ghazouali and Umberto Michelucci and Yassin El Hillali and Hichem Nouira},


This code is made available for research purposes only and is not licensed for commercial use.


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