- This is a GUI Based Web Browser Using PyQt5 & PyQtWebEngine Modules.
pip install PyQt5
pip install PyQtWebEngine
User Manual:
Warning: The Bookmark system has proven to only work on windows. Users of these operating systems should simply download the “Browser_NB.py” file to their wanted directory.
The recommended installation procedure is to copy the "Python Browser" folder to anywhere though the documents folder is recommended. Then open the folder, right click on “Web_Browser.py” and click “Create Shortcut”. This should create a shortcut file in the directory, simply move this shortcut to your desktop and everything should be set up.
Opening the program presents you with a website, a search bar, and two menus.
The Browser opens to your start page which can be changed
The search bar is not google, use it only when you have the FULL address of the web page you are looking for
The top, white menu contains your bookmarked pages as well as the ability to change your preferred Start and Search pages
The bottom gray menu contains many basic functions like Forward, Back, and Reload but also links to your Start and Search pages as well as a link to the github of this programs original creator
Start, Search, and all Bookmarked pages default to the google homepage
Creator: sagargoswami2001
Contributors: Geoffrey-Hash