A FLASK-based web application that predicts the likelihood of the user having diabetes or prediabetes based on the user's responses to a questionnaire. The app currently uses an XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting) model trained on a Kaggle Dataset (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/alexteboul/diabetes-health-indicators-dataset?select=diabetes_binary_health_indicators_BRFSS2015.csv) of 253,680 survey responses to the Center for Disease Control's(CDC) Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS2015) in 2015.
In this repo at notebooks/diabetes_project.ipynb
The Dataset was balanced using SMOTEENN, following which an XGBoost Classifier was trained on it, yielding a validation accuracy of 94.3%.
Refer to The jupyter notebook in notebooks/diabetes_project.ipynb for the new MLFlow Tracking integration.
To access the MLFlow Runs, go to the notebooks folder and type the following in your terminal:
mlflow server --host --port 8080
Then open in your browser to access the MLFlow UI and all the results of the training and evaluation of the classifier.
After evaluation through MLFlow, 5 Features removed from questionnaire and training data: Sex, Fruits, Veggies, AnyHealthcare, and CholCheck.
Docker Image Pushed to Hub: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/sagartv/diabetes_risk_predictor/
To get this latest image use: docker pull sagartv/diabetes_risk_predictor:0.0.5.RELEASE
To run, expand optional settings and provide a Port Number for your system, this will map to the image's port 3000.
Docker Image RELEASE 0.0.5 is now Deployed and Live on Render. Access at https://diabetes-risk-predictor.onrender.com/
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