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🧠 LLM Quiz Generator

A Python WebApp that uses Streamlit for the frontend and Gemini LLM for generating dynamic quizzes. Get a quiz on any topic you want, or load your own CSV for custom quizzes.

🚀 Check out a Demo Here:

📸 Screenshots

HOME Page Quiz Configuration Page
Home Page Quiz Configuration Page
Quiz Page Results Page
Quiz Page Results Page

🔍 Click images to see in better resolution

🚀 Features

  • 🤖 Dynamic quiz generation using Gemini LLM
  • 🎨 User-friendly Streamlit interface
  • 📈 Instant quiz results and explanations
  • 🔄 Option to retake quizzes or try new topics
  • 📊 Support for custom quizzes via CSV

🛠️ Usage


  1. Enter your Gemini API key in the sidebar (Get it here)
  2. Choose "LLM Quiz" from the navigation menu
  3. Enter the desired quiz topic and number of questions
  4. Click "Generate Quiz" to start
📊 Custom Quiz (CSV) without LLM

📊 Custom Quiz (CSV) without LLM

  • 3 AWS Quizzes have been preloaded; you can add your own as well
  • Place the CSV file in the output folder
  • The CSV should be in the following format:
    • "question","option_a","option_b","option_c","option_d","answer","explanation"
  • Comma-separated and enclosed in quotes
  • Alternatively, you can use to generate the CSV based on question and answer dumps placed in the input_questions folder (e.g., Input_Questions/DynamoDB.txt)
    • This uses LLM to generate fake options for the invalid answers

🏁 Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

📋 Prerequisites

Things you need to run the code:

  • Python 3.7+
  • pip (Python package manager)

🔧 Installing

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd llm-quiz-generator
  2. Install required packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

🏃‍♂️ Running The App

  1. Start the Streamlit app:

    streamlit run
  2. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8501

🛠️ Built With

  • Python 3 - The Programming Language used
  • Streamlit - Streamlit is an open-source Python framework for data-based frontend
  • Gemini - Gemini is the LLM used to generate Q&A for the Quiz

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

📃 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

🌟 Feel free to star this repository if you like what you see 😉.


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