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@Olf0 Olf0 released this 28 Feb 16:22
· 145 commits to master since this release


  • Fix issue #275 (by PR #281): [BUG] Always shows "Failed" notification, even if the action was successful.
  • Reorder pulley menu entries of Patchmanager's main page (#272).
  • Remove "Deactivate all Patches" pulley menu entry (#272) and allow to re-enable it in Patchmanager's settings (#283).
  • Record time to activate all Patches in Patchmanager's startup dialog (#259).
  • Reshuffle spec file to satisfy SailfishOS:Chum, see #274 and SailfishOS:Chum GUI issue 111 (#273 & #280).
  • Slightly enhance descriptions in spec file and mangle.conf (#270 & #269).
  • Add test cases for patching (#258).

For details see all commits since the preceding release v3.2.1.

Binary releases

RPMs for aarch64, armv7hl, i486 and the patchmanager-testcases noarch RPM are attached, plus also available at and SailfishOS:Chum.

Note that the attached RPMs with the release string 1.1.1.jolla are compiled for SailfishOS 4.3.0 and should install and run well on SailfishOS ≥ 4.3.0, while the RPMs with the release string 1 are compiled for SailfishOS 4.0.1 and should install on SailfishOS ≥ 3.4.0. If you have issues with these, you might instead consider installing an RPMs built at SailfishOS:Chum for the SailfishOS release you are using, either manually or via the SailfishOS:Chum GUI application.