In this project we are designing a web application where users can book their vaccination appointments anywhere near their desired location or where they live. The application also contains a digitally verifiable proof of vaccination card which can be accessed as soon as they complete their dose. This application eliminates the need for users to carry their physical vaccination cards everywhere. It simplifies the whole vaccination process and eliminates the need for users to go a different website to book a vaccination slot. The application also provides updates about latest covid cases across United States. It also contains credible information sources to know more about covid in the homepage. This application has all the basic elements of a web application like Registration and Login Page, Home page, vaccination booking page, vaccination certificate page and User Profile.
The users can # with their email address and look at the available vaccination slots. Then they can search for a vaccine slot based on the name of the shot, zipcode and dose number. Once they book the vaccine slot of their choice, they are given a 6 digit code for verification during the generation of vaccine certificate. On the user profile page the users can see their vaccine appointment (can also cancel an appiontment from here) , their details(name, email etc) and links to other pages(data dashboard, vaccination certification generation). There is also an admin user (hosiptals/ healthcare providers) who can add vaccination slots after logining in to their accounts. The users can also update their personal information(name, date of birth, identification card number) before the generation of the vaccination certificate, which is generated only after a valid 6 digit code unique to the vaccination appointment of the user.
The API Documentation and other documentation related to the project can be found on our wiki page.
The project board can be found here, we used a both project board and milestones to keep a track of our project progress. Our milestones for each sprint can be found here.
The accomplishments for sprint 4 can be found in this link.
• Yichong Ma (@mayichong)
• Venkateswarlu Tanneru (@Vtanneru)
• Sai Pavan Kamma (@saipavan10-git)
• Golang
• React
• SQLite