- The main goal of this project is to classify Chest X-ray Images of patients for COVID-Positive and Negative as correctly as possible.
- Built a Convolution Neural Network using Pytorch to predict the condition of the patients (COVID Positive or Negative).
- I have used the dataset from the IEEE Github Repository of Covid Chest Xray Dataset.The link to the dataset is given here.
- If you don't have python installed on your machine download it from here
- Then install pip on your machine by downloading this get-pip.py and from the downloads directory and run
python get-pip.py
- To start working on the project run the following command after cloning the repository.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- I suppose Anaconda is already installed in the machine. Then run the following command
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
This would install all the requirements.
- The dataset contains majority of images of Chest X-rays of patients
- If we train the data as it is, our model will be biased.
- So,Did preprocessing of the dataset.
- Trained the model with Preprocessed Data.
- Here is a snapshot of the output
- For detailed report See Report in the repository.