Command handler for discord.js v14 subcommands and subcommand groups. It will use the file structure to create the corresponding subcommands and subcommand groups.
npm install djs-slash-handler
Below is an example of how command handler interprets the file structure. The folder/file names are the names of the subcommands/subcommand groups.
|__ category1
|__ command1.js
|__ command2.js
|__ category2
|__ command3
|__ subcommand1.js
|__ subcommand2.js
|__ command4
|__ subcommandgroup
|__ subcommand1.js
|__ subcommand2.js
|__ subcommand1.js
|__ subcommand2.js
Refer to the discord developer documentation for more information on valid/invalid structure
- This is a quick & dirty implementation of the command handler
- Additional features/documentation will be added in the future
- Feel free to contribute to this project and open an issue if you find any bugs
- For more information on how to use the command handler, join us on discord here