This repository provides an analysis on the StackOverflow Data loaded as Google's BigQuery Dataset. It aims to find out the trend of various technologies from 2009 to 2018 and predict the future technological trends using Linear Regression.
These are some of the questions that this notebook aims to answer for now:
- What is the trend in the technologies from 2009 - 2018?
- What is the trend in the various categories of each technology?
- What will be the upcoming trends in the technologies?
- What will be the upcoming trend in the various categories of each technology?
These are some of the technologies that this kernel discusses:
- Web Development
- AngularJs
- BootStrap
- JavaScript
- DataBase Technologies
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- Cassandra
- Big Data
- Hadoop
- Hive
- Spark
- HBase
- Kafka
- Data Science
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Regression
- Support Vector Machines (SVM)
- Kaggle
- Programming Languages
- C++
- Ruby
- Java
- C#
- Python
- Kaggle: StackOverFlow Technological Trends Evaluator and Predictor
- Github: Technological Trends Evaluator and Predictor
- Introduction to the bq_helper package | Kaggle
- BigQuery to analyse the Stack Overflow data | Kaggle
- State of Javascript in 2018 on Stackoverflow | Kaggle
- Python trends in 2018 | Kaggle
- Hatched symbols in matplotlib
- matplotlib.patches.Patch Python Example
- Customizing Plot Legends | Python Data Science Handbook
- 2019 Top Technology Trends | Based on Stackoverflow Data Analysis
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) and Data Visualization with Python - Kite
- BARPLOT – The Python Graph Gallery
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