Group Members:
Title :
Self Driving Vehicle
Summary :
An app used to train a bot-vehicle to drive on its own.
- Problem Domain:
In light of the technological advances we have seen within the road vehicles industry, we already see a demand for a self-driving vehicle. Motivated by the multitude of collisions we see on a day to day basis in Jordan, we found that a self-driving vehicle might add to safety of the population. With that in mind, the first step towards this is to first train a vehicle bot to recognize roads and avoid collision.
Use Cases:
Autopilot mode in vehicles.
Increase safety.
User Story Sentence:
- As a user, I want a vehicle that can detect road and drive by its own.
- As a user, I want the vehicles to be able to avoid collisions in the road.
- Feature Tasks:
- Build the GUI.
- Build an AI using genetic algorithm with several generations. Train the AI to drive the car on the map.
- Build a random-generated road.
- Define Neurons (number of neurons and type), and outputs of the Neural Network.
- The model is trained on the random-generated road.
- The model is tested for accuracy.
- Expected Challenges:
- Computational cost of training the model (vehicle).
- User Acceptance Tests:
- Input: vehicle, road
- Output: vehicle finishes the road without collisions.