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Simple Helloworld of gRPC Application Layer Transport Security on Google Cloud


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gRPC ALTS HelloWorld

Simple helloworld demonstrating GCP support for Application Layer Transport Security. You can read more about ALTS in that article (no sense in repeating it).

ALTS can be thought of intrinsic platform-based security which helps ensure service->service communication uses the machine's bound identity itself.

That is, the gRPC communication will utilize and transmit an encrypted message at the application layer using keys intrinsic to the peer systems involved. This is in contrast to user-space based security (eg, auth header, mTLS with user-space certs, etc) because the system that provides the assertion of machine identity and security is provided by the platform itself.

This repo also shows a sample envoy client server using ALTS but for HTTP traffic (you could, ofcourse use gRPC just the same w/ envoy but i'll stick with HTTP here).

For more information on ALTS configuration for Envoy, see envoy.extensions.transport_sockets.alts.v3.Alts

This article is nothing new...its just a rehash of gRPC's ALTS helloworld

The difference in this repo is that I specifically show how to setup the VMs and actually emit the service account information from the peers (which is important to see).


Build Client/Server

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/client client/client.go
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/server server/server.go

NOTE, the go binary is compiled for local laptop here

Create Service accounts/VM

gcloud iam service-accounts create alts-server --display-name "ALTS Server Service Account"
gcloud iam service-accounts create alts-client --display-name "ALTS Client Service Account"

export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config get-value core/project`
export CLIENT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=alts-client@$
export SERVER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=alts-server@$

$ gcloud  compute  instances create alts-server \
  --service-account=$SERVER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT \
  --scopes= \
  --zone us-central1-a --image-family debian-10 --image-project=debian-cloud

$ gcloud compute  instances create alts-client \
  --service-account=$CLIENT_SERVICE_ACCOUNT \
  --scopes= \
  --zone us-central1-a --image-family debian-10 --image-project=debian-cloud

Copy binaries

$ gcloud compute scp bin/client alts-client:
$ gcloud compute scp bin/server alts-server:

Run Server

$ gcloud compute scp bin/server alts-server:
$ gcloud compute ssh alts-server
$ ./server 

Run Client

Replace the value for your SERVER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT below

$ gcloud compute scp bin/client alts-client:
$ gcloud compute ssh alts-client

$ ./client --addr alts-server:50051 --targetServiceAccount $SERVER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT

2020/06/08 21:58:11 AuthInfo PeerServiceAccount:
2020/06/08 21:58:11 AuthInfo LocalServiceAccount:
UnaryEcho:  hello world


Note that in the output we've identified the intrinsic service account used at each peer. The idea here is you can use this as an applicaiton-layer signal to allow or deny the inbound request. Note, the client peer info is available after the RPC

In debug mode:

$ ./server 
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 parsed scheme: ""
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 scheme "" not registered, fallback to default scheme
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: {[{  <nil> 0 <nil>}] <nil> <nil>}
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Channel switches to new LB policy "pick_first"
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 blockingPicker: the picked transport is not ready, loop back to repick
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Subchannel picks a new address "" to connect
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 pickfirstBalancer: HandleSubConnStateChange: 0xc0001588f0, {CONNECTING <nil>}
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 pickfirstBalancer: HandleSubConnStateChange: 0xc0001588f0, {READY <nil>}
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Channel Connectivity change to READY
2020/06/08 22:04:17 AuthInfo PeerServiceAccount:
2020/06/08 22:04:17 AuthInfo LocalServiceAccount:
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 transport: returning. connection error: desc = "transport is closing"
$ ./client --addr alts-server:50051 --targetServiceAccount
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 parsed scheme: ""
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 scheme "" not registered, fallback to default scheme
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: {[{alts-server:50051  <nil> 0 <nil>}] <nil> <nil>}
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Channel switches to new LB policy "pick_first"
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Subchannel picks a new address "alts-server:50051" to connect
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 pickfirstBalancer: HandleSubConnStateChange: 0xc0001568e0, {CONNECTING <nil>}
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 parsed scheme: ""
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 scheme "" not registered, fallback to default scheme
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: {[{  <nil> 0 <nil>}] <nil> <nil>}
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Channel switches to new LB policy "pick_first"
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 blockingPicker: the picked transport is not ready, loop back to repick
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Subchannel picks a new address "" to connect
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 pickfirstBalancer: HandleSubConnStateChange: 0xc000156cb0, {CONNECTING <nil>}
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 pickfirstBalancer: HandleSubConnStateChange: 0xc000156cb0, {READY <nil>}
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Channel Connectivity change to READY
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Subchannel Connectivity change to READY
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 pickfirstBalancer: HandleSubConnStateChange: 0xc0001568e0, {READY <nil>}
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Channel Connectivity change to READY
2020/06/08 22:04:17 AuthInfo PeerServiceAccount:
2020/06/08 22:04:17 AuthInfo LocalServiceAccount:
UnaryEcho:  hello world
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Channel Connectivity change to SHUTDOWN
INFO: 2020/06/08 22:04:17 Subchannel Connectivity change to SHUTDOWN


The following demonstrates envoy's support for ALTS on GCP. This snippet does not use gRPC though you could adapt it to do that but instead just uses a plain HTTP upstream/downstream connection.

To use

Edit envoy configuration

Edit server.yaml and client.yaml and specify the upstream/downstream service accounts to use (peer_service_accounts). Remember which is the peer for which end

Install Envoy on Client/Server

You can either run envoy within docker or (as i prefer), a direct binary. You can get the envoy binary by "extracting" it from the docker image

On your laptop:

$ docker cp `docker create envoyproxy/envoy:latest`:/usr/local/bin/envoy .

gcloud compute scp envoy alts-server:
gcloud compute scp envoy alts-client:

Copy Configuration files to client and server

Copy server.yaml to alts-server and client-yaml to alts-client

remember to replace the value of peer_service_accounts with your PROJECT_ID

        name: envoy.transport_sockets.alts
          handshaker_service: ""
          - ""
gcloud compute scp envoy_http/server.yaml alts-server:
gcloud compute scp envoy_http/client.yaml alts-client:

Run Envoy on Client/server

On alts-server:

./envoy -c server.yaml -l debug

On alts-client:

./envoy -c client.yaml -l debug

Access Endpoint from client

Open up a new shell on alts-client and run

curl -v http://localhost:18080/get

You should see the headers sent back to you from httpbin via two hops through envoy:

> GET /get HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:18080
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< date: Tue, 09 Jun 2020 12:59:52 GMT
< content-type: application/json
< content-length: 337
< server: envoy
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< access-control-allow-credentials: true
< x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 72
  "args": {}, 
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*", 
    "Content-Length": "0", 
    "Host": "", 
    "User-Agent": "curl/7.64.0", 
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5edf87c8-442f573c7a743fdf4419cc1d", 
    "X-Envoy-Expected-Rq-Timeout-Ms": "15000"
  "origin": "", 
  "url": ""

Debug logs

This is the important bit, in envoy look for the log lines on the client and server that showed ALTS:

  • Client
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1]   certificate_type: ALTS
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1]   service_accont:
  • Server
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0]   certificate_type: ALTS
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0]   service_accont:

The full trace of from the Client

[2020-06-09 12:59:52.809][3782][debug][pool] [source/common/http/http1/] creating a new connection
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.809][3782][debug][client] [source/common/http/] [C1] connecting
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.809][3782][debug][connection] [source/common/network/] [C1] connecting to
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.810][3782][debug][connection] [source/common/network/] [C1] connection in progress
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.810][3782][debug][pool] [source/common/http/] queueing request due to no available connections
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.811][3782][debug][connection] [source/common/network/] [C1] connected
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.811][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: doHandshake next: received: 0
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.812][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: doHandshake
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.814][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: doHandshake next done: status: 0 to_send: 1380
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.817][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: doHandshake
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.817][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: raw read result action 1 bytes 495 end_stream false
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.817][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: doHandshake
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.817][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: doHandshake next: received: 495
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: doHandshake next done: status: 0 to_send: 74
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: Handshake successful: peer properties: 3
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1]   certificate_type: ALTS
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1]   service_accont:
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1]   rpc_versions: 

[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: Handshake validation succeeded.
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: Handshake successful: unused_bytes: 0
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][client] [source/common/http/] [C1] connected
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][pool] [source/common/http/http1/] [C1] attaching to next request
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][router] [source/common/router/] [C0][S14200091602774441776] pool ready
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: protecting buffer size: 217
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: protected buffer left: 0 result: TSI_OK
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: raw_write length 315 end_stream false
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: protecting buffer size: 0
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: protected buffer left: 0 result: TSI_OK
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.882][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: protecting buffer size: 0
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.882][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: protected buffer left: 0 result: TSI_OK
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.882][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: raw read result action 1 bytes 592 end_stream false
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.882][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: unprotecting buffer size: 592
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.882][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: unprotected buffer left: 0 result: TSI_OK
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.882][3782][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C1] TSI: do read result action 1 bytes 592 end_stream false
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.882][3782][debug][router] [source/common/router/] [C0][S14200091602774441776] upstream headers complete: end_stream=false
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.882][3782][debug][http] [source/common/http/] [C0][S14200091602774441776] encoding headers via codec (end_stream=false):
':status', '200'
'date', 'Tue, 09 Jun 2020 12:59:52 GMT'
'content-type', 'application/json'
'content-length', '337'
'server', 'envoy'
'access-control-allow-origin', '*'
'access-control-allow-credentials', 'true'
'x-envoy-upstream-service-time', '72'

[2020-06-09 12:59:52.882][3782][debug][client] [source/common/http/] [C1] response complete

On the envoy server

[2020-06-09 12:59:52.811][2245][debug][conn_handler] [source/server/] [C0] new connection
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.811][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: doHandshake
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.814][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: doHandshake
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.814][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: raw read result action 1 bytes 1380 end_stream false
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.814][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: doHandshake
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.814][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: doHandshake next: received: 1380
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.817][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: doHandshake next done: status: 0 to_send: 495
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: doHandshake
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: raw read result action 1 bytes 315 end_stream false
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: doHandshake
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.818][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: doHandshake next: received: 315
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: doHandshake next done: status: 0 to_send: 0
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: Handshake successful: peer properties: 3
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0]   certificate_type: ALTS
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0]   service_accont:
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0]   rpc_versions: 

[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: Handshake validation succeeded.
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: Handshake successful: unused_bytes: 241
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: raw read result action 1 bytes 0 end_stream false
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: unprotecting buffer size: 241
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: unprotected buffer left: 0 result: TSI_OK
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: do read result action 1 bytes 241 end_stream false
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.819][2245][debug][http] [source/common/http/] [C0] new stream
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][http] [source/common/http/] [C0][S11516466959435954954] request headers complete (end_stream=true):
':authority', 'localhost:18080'
':path', '/get'
':method', 'GET'
'user-agent', 'curl/7.64.0'
'accept', '*/*'
'x-forwarded-proto', 'http'
'x-request-id', 'f39e4720-8c5f-43ef-8334-bc7732672c91'
'x-envoy-expected-rq-timeout-ms', '15000'
'content-length', '0'

[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][http] [source/common/http/] [C0][S11516466959435954954] request end stream
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][router] [source/common/router/] [C0][S11516466959435954954] cluster 'service_httpbin' match for URL '/get'
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][router] [source/common/router/] [C0][S11516466959435954954] router decoding headers:
':authority', ''
':path', '/get'
':method', 'GET'
':scheme', 'http'
'user-agent', 'curl/7.64.0'
'accept', '*/*'
'x-forwarded-proto', 'http'
'x-request-id', 'f39e4720-8c5f-43ef-8334-bc7732672c91'
'content-length', '0'
'x-envoy-expected-rq-timeout-ms', '15000'

[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][pool] [source/common/http/http1/] creating a new connection
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][client] [source/common/http/] [C1] connecting
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][connection] [source/common/network/] [C1] connecting to
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][connection] [source/common/network/] [C1] connection in progress
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][pool] [source/common/http/] queueing request due to no available connections
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: protecting buffer size: 0
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.820][2245][debug][connection] [source/extensions/transport_sockets/alts/] [C0] TSI: protected buffer left: 0 result: TSI_OK
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.850][2245][debug][connection] [source/common/network/] [C1] connected
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.850][2245][debug][client] [source/common/http/] [C1] connected
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.850][2245][debug][pool] [source/common/http/http1/] [C1] attaching to next request
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.850][2245][debug][router] [source/common/router/] [C0][S11516466959435954954] pool ready
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.881][2245][debug][router] [source/common/router/] [C0][S11516466959435954954] upstream headers complete: end_stream=false
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.881][2245][debug][http] [source/common/http/] [C0][S11516466959435954954] encoding headers via codec (end_stream=false):
':status', '200'
'date', 'Tue, 09 Jun 2020 12:59:52 GMT'
'content-type', 'application/json'
'content-length', '337'
'server', 'envoy'
'access-control-allow-origin', '*'
'access-control-allow-credentials', 'true'
'x-envoy-upstream-service-time', '60'

[2020-06-09 12:59:52.881][2245][debug][client] [source/common/http/] [C1] response complete
[2020-06-09 12:59:52.882][2245][debug][pool] [source/common/http/http1/] [C1] response complete


Simple Helloworld of gRPC Application Layer Transport Security on Google Cloud








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