A SaltStack formula to install and configure the `Ægir Hosting System<https://www.aegirproject.org>`_. Ægir let's you easily manage and deploy multiple Drupal sites.
This formula follows the instructions on `the install page<http://docs.aegirproject.org/en/3.x/install/>`_
This initial version works on Debian's family as it installs the deb package from AEgir's repo.
AEgir has a few prerequisites<http://docs.aegirproject.org/en/3.x/install/#system-requirements>- to install and work properly. You can install them with `other SaltStack formulas<https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/>`_. The examples dir contains minimun pillars for a few of these dependencies. Check also the .kitchen.yml file used for testing this formula, the provisioner.dependencies and suites section, to see how to use them.
See the full Salt Formulas installation and usage instructions.
Installs and does a basic configuration of the aegir server packages.
Installs and configures the AEgir Debian repo (currently, the only one provided upstream) and keyring.
It also sets a preferences file, as suggested in `the documentation<http://docs.aegirproject.org/en/3.x/install/>`_.
Creates and configures the aegir user and group.
Installs the aegir3 packages (currently, only Debian's).
Installs extra modules for aegir.
See pillar.example
file for details.
Applies patches to an existing aegir installation.
See pillar.example
file for details on accepted parameters.
Manage the aegir3 hostmaster's queue service.
Tested with:
- 2018.3.x
Tested with:
- Debian-9