Project yet to be completed. Currently, works based on keywords. NLP capabilities to be added. Deployed on AWS EC2, Herokuapp, PI (exposed using localtunnel).
If exposed using below localtunnel commands:
Greet, Goodbye, Time, News (Latest, World, Business, Sports, Tech, Entertainment, ...), Covid updates
Deploying in background using PM2: (AWS and PI)
sudo apt install npm
sudo npm install pm2@latest -g
pm2 start --interpreter python3
for voice bot, sudo apt install espeak
Running ngrok: (not used)
ngrok http 5000
Using localtunnel on Pi:
sudo npm install -g localtunnel
nohup lt -p 5000 -s prism
11-07-2021: made basic voicebot using speech recognition and pytts libraries
12-07-2021: set up flask server and deployed on aws to make it public modified code to be suitable for web chatbot
13-07-2021: added covid updates from displayed yt link for playing added hardcoded general responses
14-07-2021: Set up Raspberry Pi to use as a server, ran app on localhost. Fixed errors in previoius methods.
15-07-2021: Used Ngrok to set up public server. Used to set up ngrok. Exposed port and accessed remotely. Setting up background process to close terminal after running.
16-07-2021: Made yt links clickable. Should look into metrics and alerts.