GEE Asset Manager with Addons
Google Earth Engine Batch Asset Manager with Addons is an extension of the one developed by Lukasz here and additional tools were added to include functionality for moving assets, conversion of objects to fusion table, cleaning folders, querying tasks. The ambition is apart from helping the user with batch actions on assets along with interacting and extending capabilities of existing GEE CLI. It is developed case by case basis to include more features in the future as it becomes available or as the need arises.
- Updated search tool to use updated endpoint
- Search tool no longer downloads zip or parses CSV
- Minor improvements
- Updated app2script tool to handle change in element
- Updated copy tool to allow for non mirrored copy
- Updated task and task cancel tools to account for states Pending and Cancelling
- Updated quota tool to handle GCP projects inside GEE
- Updated Folder size reporting
- Updated to use earthengine-api>= 0.1.222
- Copy and move tool improvements to facilitate cloud alpha support.
- Updated task check tool to account for operations based handling.
- Fixed issue 11.
- Updated to recent API calls based on Issue and general improvements
- Added auto version check from pypi.
- Fixed issue with delete tool and shell call.
- Fixed issue with copy and move function for single collections
- Now includes asset_url and thumbnail_url for search.
- Formatting and general improvements.
- Now includes license in sdist
- Fixed issue with app2script tool and string and text parsing.
- Added readme and version tools.
- Added readme docs and deployed environment.
- Removed git dependency and used urllib instead based on feedback
- Created conda forge release based on Issue 10
- Fixed relative import issue for earthengine.
- Fixed image collection move tool to parse ee object type correctly as image_collection.
- Improved quota tools to get all quota and asset counts.
- Added a search tool to search GEE catalog using keywords.
- Improved parsing for app to script tool.
- Detailed asset root for all root folders and recursively
- Cancel tasks now allows you to choose, running, ready or specific task ids.
- Assets copy and move now allows you to copy entire folders, collection and assets recursively
- Updated assets access tool
- Delete metadata allows you to delete metadata for existing collection.
- Overall general improvements and optimization.
- General improvements
- Added tool to get underlying code from earthengine app
- Updated list and asset size functions
- Updated function to generate earthengine asset report
- General optimization and improvements to distribution
- Better error handling
- Removed upload function
- Upload handled by geeup
- General optimization and improvements to distribution
- Better error handling
- Uses poster for streaming upload more stable with memory issues and large files
- Poster dependency limits use to Py 2.7 will fix in the new version