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GitHub Dependency Submission Documentation:

Endpoint Details:

  1. API Endpoint: /repos/{owner}/{repo}/dependency-graph/snapshots
    • Method: POST
    • Headers:
      • accept: application/vnd.github.v4+json
      • authorization: token <YOUR-TOKEN>

Payload Structure:

The JSON payload to be submitted should conform to the following structure:

  • version: An integer indicating the version of the snapshot format.
  • sha: A string representing the commit SHA for which the snapshot applies.
  • ref: A string representing the Git reference (e.g., refs/heads/main).
  • job: A string uniquely identifying the job run.
  • detector: An object containing details about the tool used to detect the dependencies:
    • name: The name of the tool.
    • version: The version of the tool.
    • url: The URL of the tool's documentation.
  • metadata (optional): Additional information about the environment, job, scanner, and scan ID.
  • dependencies: An array of objects representing dependencies, each containing:
    • ref: A string representing the reference to the dependency.
    • metadata (optional): Additional metadata about the dependency.

JSON Format Specification (from the provided file format.json):

  • Required properties: version, sha, ref, job, detector, and dependencies.
  • detector object must contain name, version, and url.