This command-line interface (CLI) script allows you to manage tasks efficiently using a JSON file as a database. You can add, update, delete tasks, change task status, and list tasks directly from the terminal.
Edit the included .bat file in the 'windows' directory to run the script as a command without the .py extension. Replace the file path with the full path to your script.
Place the .bat file in a directory that is already included in your system's PATH environment variable (e.g., C:\Windows\System32). This allows you to run the script from anywhere without specifying the full path.
Save the script, e.g.,
Open your terminal and run:
chmod +x
Move the script to a directory that is included in your PATH (e.g., /usr/local/bin):
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/tasktracker
Now, you can run the script by typing tasktracker from any directory.
To add a task pass in the 'add' action as an argument followed by the task description.
tasktracker add "New Task"
To update a task pass in the 'update' action as an argument followed by the task ID and a description.
tasktracker update 1 "Updated Task"
To delete a task pass in the 'delete' action as an argument followed by the task ID.
tasktracker delete 1
To change a tasks status pass in the 'mark-in-progress' or 'mark-done' actions as desired followed by the task ID.
tasktracker mark-in-progress 1
tasktracker mark-done 1
To list all tasks pass in the 'list' action.
tasktracker list
To list tasks by status pass in the 'list' action followed by a status, one of 'todo', 'in-progress', or 'done'.
tasktracker list done
See project requirements here.