😷 A website for you get info about Covid-19 in your country and in the world! 😷
- Click in the link in the description
- Enjoy :)
- Git clone or download this repo
- Go to the directory that you downloaded
- Create a .env file in the root of the project
- Add these lines:
- Get a key for the first and second api key in https://rapidapi.com/api-sports/api/covid-193?endpoint=apiendpoint_2feca6f0-0f58-40b7-9196-98c45c7d5083
- Get a mapbox token in https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/
- Open a terminal in the project directory and run:
npm i dotenv-webpack
andnpm i webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
- Make changes (for make changes in Javascript, change the file in src/index.js and run
npx webpack
) - Make a pull request :)
- Get the user country by ip
- Get covid-19 data for the user country
- Build charts with Chart.js (together with frontend)
- Build map with Mapbox GL JS (together with frontend)
- Add markers in countries with Covid-19
- Add diferent colors in map markers for active cases
- Get global covid-19 data
- Data and chart real time update while user stay in website
- User can select the country to see info (together with frontend)
- Register to receive notifications with the user's country information every 1 hour
- Geral structure
- CSS for desktop view
- Build charts with Chart.js (together with backend)
- Build map with Mapbox GL JS (together with backend)
- CSS for mobile view
- Number/Counter animated
- User can select the country to see info (together with backend)