This is a minified and customized laradock version with containers needed for my projects
- You need Docker and docker-compose installed
- You also need git configured locally
- Download the docker project
git clone
- Get in the project directory and copy env-example to .env
cd little-laradock
cp .env-example .env
Make your setup editing the .env file. The default directory for your code is ../laradock_code
Finally, to start de build of the containers and start the containers execute
In Linux or Mac
make up
In Windows
docker-compose up -d nginx redis mongo postgres workspace
To start containers and basic docker-compose actions is available the make command (only in linux based OS)
$ make help
help Get this Help
up Starts all docker containers
down Kills all docker containers
stop Stops all docker containers
ps List all containers
sh Get workspace shell
Full PHP development environment based on Docker.