Zeus! Is a CLI to made simple queries to JSON files.
zeus fields [file_name] # List of searchable fields of a json file zeus find_by [file_name, attr, value] # find by an attribute and a value zeus help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific # command zeus list # List of json files in the current directory
Clone the repository:
# clone the repo
# using ssh
$ git clone git@github.com:sanchojaf/zeus.git
# using https
$ git clone https://github.com/sanchojaf/zeus.git
Move to the root folder
$ cd zeus
The exe directive used to create the gem, generated a zeus binary from the project. Change the permissions so we can execute the file:
$ chmod +x exe/zeus
Now, we are able to call it:
$ bundle exec exe/zeus help
But in way we are limited to use in the root of the project folder.
To use in any folder, install the gem locally using rake.
$ bundle exec rake install
Now we can use the Zeus CLI like any other command line in shell.
Call it:
zeus help
- ruby
- bundler
- rake
- rspec
Was implemented and tested with ruby-2.3.0
but you should be able to use other version of ruby.
Files should be similar to the examples files that we have for testing
zeus find_by [file_name, attr, value]
find_by users _id 71
will print out the record field _id
value 71
for file <users.json>.
users.json should exist in the directory
Values from any related entities are included in the results only if exist a zeus.json file with the specification for foreign keys:
This example do not define a file zeus.json
Then find_by users _id 71
return the info in 'users.json' and not include any references from external file.
here the an example details:
"_id": 71,
"url": "http://initech.zendesk.com/api/v2/users/71.json",
"external_id": "c972bb41-94aa-4f20-bc93-e63dbfe8d9ca",
"name": "Prince Hinton",
"alias": "Miss Dana",
"created_at": "2016-04-18T11:05:43 -10:00",
"active": true,
"verified": false,
"shared": false,
"locale": "zh-CN",
"timezone": "Samoa",
"last_login_at": "2013-05-01T01:18:48 -10:00",
"email": "danahinton@flotonic.com",
"phone": "9064-433-892",
"signature": "Don't Worry Be Happy!",
"organization_id": 121,
"tags": [
"suspended": false,
"role": "agent"
This example define submitter_id
in tickets.json
, as foreign keys of `_id' in users.json
"resources": {
"users": {
"fields": {
"_id": {
"references": {
"tickets": {
"display_field": "subject",
"ref_fields": [
Result for zeus find_by users _id 71
should include the references in the next format:
"_id": 71,
"url": "http://initech.zendesk.com/api/v2/users/71.json",
"tickets_0": "A Catastrophe in Micronesia",
"tickets_1": "A Drama in Wallis and Futuna Islands",
"tickets_2": "A Drama in Australia"
This example define organization_id
in tickets.json
and users.json
, as foreign keys for `_id' in organization.json
"resources": {
"organizations": {
"fields": {
"_id": {
"references": {
"users": {
"original_name_field": "name",
"ref_fields": [
"tickets": {
"original_name_field": "subject",
"ref_fields": [
Result for zeus find_by organizations _id 119
should include the references in the next format:
"_id": 119,
"url": "http://initech.zendesk.com/api/v2/organizations/119.json",
"users_0": "Francisca Rasmussen",
"users_1": "Pitts Park",
"users_2": "Moran Daniels",
"users_3": "Catalina Simpson",
"tickets_0": "A Nuisance in Bangladesh",
"tickets_1": "A Catastrophe in San Marino",
"tickets_2": "A Drama in Chad",
"tickets_3": "A Problem in Guatemala",
"tickets_4": "A Nuisance in Suriname",
"tickets_5": "A Catastrophe in Thailand",
"tickets_6": "A Drama in Nigeria"
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem into your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to rubygems.org.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sanchojaf/zeus