Dotfiles help me keep my configuration files in one place, so if I change hardware, my config stays same. Note that these configurations and checklist are for Ubuntu.
Current setup:
purpose | tool |
OS | Ubuntu 16.04 |
shell | fish with omf |
WM | i3-gaps |
compositor | compton |
launcher | rofi |
notifications | dunst |
terminal | URxvt |
terminal mutliplexer | tmux |
editor | vscode |
- use GNU Stow
- use polybar
- Clone this repository to
- Install these tools:
- fish, git, rxvt, tmux, tmuxinator, feh, scrot, compton, rofi, dunst (
sudo apt-get install fish git-core rxvt-unicode-256color tmux tmuxinator feh scrot compton rofi dunst
- fish, git, rxvt, tmux, tmuxinator, feh, scrot, compton, rofi, dunst (
- Download, compile and install i3gaps
- Install oh-my-fish (
curl -L | fish
) - Install Powerline Compatible Fonts as well as Dank Mono
- for some extra ricing, install gotop, cava, neofetch and take a look at rizonrice
- Generate new SSH key
- Generate an access token for Terminal to auth your GitHub account when 2FA is enabled
will automatically setup settings and install plugins
- you can use
feh --bg-scale ~/papes/(ls ~/papes | shuf -n 1)
to set a random wallpaper from the papes folder
should do the job. vscode, fish, i3 and tmuxinator files are symlinked, the rest is just copied and will delete existing files.- Fork this repo, or just copy-paste things you need, and make it your own. Please be sure to change your
name and email address though!