Welcome to the Weather App project, a dynamic web application designed to provide real-time weather information at your fingertips. This project was developed as part of the internship at CodeClause, employing a tech stack comprising HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript.
Weather App Live Demo link here
I used API keys from this link
Github Profile link
Responsive Design: The app is built with a mobile-first approach, ensuring a seamless experience across devices. Bootstrap Framework: Leveraging the power of Bootstrap for a clean and intuitive user interface. Real-time Data: Utilizing JavaScript to fetch and display up-to-date weather information using a weather API. Location Detection: Enjoy the convenience of automatic location detection, allowing the app to dynamically retrieve weather data based on your device's geolocation. User-friendly Interface: Intuitive design and interactive elements make navigating and using the app a breeze.
Simply enter the location or city name in the search bar. Allow the app to automatically detect your device's location for instant weather updates. Explore additional features for a detailed weather forecast.
Feel free to explore the codebase, provide feedback, or contribute to the project's development. We welcome your input to enhance and improve this Weather App!
HTML CSS Bootstrap JavaScript
Developed by Sanket Santoki Internship at CodeClause
Thank you for checking out our Weather App project. Stay informed, stay connected!