Yet another Beamer theme ! Please tell me if you have any request, advice, etc...!!!
/slide.pdf is the output pdf.
- latexmk
git clone`
The following code shows a minimal example of a Beamer presentation.
\documentclass[xetex, unicode, 10pt]{beamer}
\title{A minimal example}
\section{First Section}
\begin{frame}{First Frame}
Hello, world!
Take a look at /tex/slide.tex and edit this.
The output /slide.pdf is quite self explanatory (or at least, designed to be). Please take a look at it!
Customization is fairly easy.
for example, if you want to change color schemes, you can just overwrite the default color theme like following:
\definecolor{backgroundcolor}{RGB}{50, 50, 50}
\definecolor{textcolor}{RGB}{235, 235, 235}
\definecolor{maincolor}{RGB}{255, 241, 118}
\definecolor{accentcolor}{RGB}{70, 164, 199}
Then you can get the following slide. Beautiful!
Feel free to contact me at twitter@sano65747676.
+ tex/ # A directory for "tex" files.
| + slide.tex # What you need to edit.
+ fig/ # A directory for some figures and source codes.
| + sample.tex # A sample source code.
| + logo.png # Your Logo! Please replace it with your own!
+ sty/ # A directory for "sty"ling files.
| |
| + style.sty # The main file for styling.
| + source.sty # For syntax highlighting source codes.
| + citation # For the custom "footcite".
+ theme/ # Adirectory for our custom theme.
| + ... # Some styling files.
+ ref.bib # For citing the references.
+ Makefile
+ latexmkrc
+ slide.pdf # Output slide!