Deploy on Day One Project
Goal: To add yourself to the student section of the and create your profile page.
Clone the students website to your code directory.
git clone
Create a feature branch for your profile add-profile-aviflombaum, feature-studentgithub
git co -b add-profile-aviflombaum
Create your profile page within the students directory aviflombaum.htm
- touch students/aviflombaum.html
Add it, commit, push
- git add .
- git commit -am "Add profile for Avi Flombaum"
- git push Create a pull request to merge your feature branch, add-profile-aviflombaum to the flatiron-school origin repository
Squashing commits?
Ping Avi or Tag him in a comment (@aviflombaum) to let him know that your pull request needs to be reviewed
- Admin Merges Pull Request
- Deploy master of main repository
- Our Git Flow
- Anything in master branch is deployable.
- Create feature branches off master.
- Commit locally and regularly push your work to the same named branch on the server.
- When you need help or you think your branch is ready to merge, open a pull request on
- After someone reviews and +1, you can merge that pull request into the master.
- Once a pull request is merged to master, deploy.
Never, ever, do anything in a master branch. It must remain stable.
- Do not merge the upstream develop with your feature branch, rebase your branch on top of the upstream/master to synch your feature branch with the latest master.
- Issue branches should be prefixed with the issue # and description.
We used these steps:
♕ git add .
♕ git commit -m 'messed with profile'
♕ git push upstream add-profile-adamjonas
♕ git fetch upstream
♕ git co master
♕ git pull upstream master
♕ git co add-profile-adamjonas
♕ git rebase master