My name is Sara Zwairi. I studied Biology in the University of Jordan. I'm seeking to improve my skills and knowledge in the Web Development in order to enhance my future career path. I’m so excited to learn with a beautiful team in Luminus college.
When you’re starting off in a new career in the developer world, all the information you need to know can get quite overwhelming. It’s always best to be doing some additional reading in parallel with your online course or coding bootcamp, or even when you’ve already transitioned into your new career! there is many programming books for beginners, ranging from problem-solving tactics to technical books on JavaScript and Python languages. on this page i have my notes which i collected from reading during my course , i like to share it with you , please feel free to browser them.
A growth mindset is believing in the power of yourself and your brain! We know our abilities develop when we try difficult things, use the right strategies, and don't give up. So,a growth mindset is when we know, with practice, we will get better at something.
- Make a new goal for every goal accomplished.
- View challenges as opportunities.
- Learn from other people’s mistakes.
Visit My GitHub portfolio page
Assignment | Link |
Read01 | The Coder Computer |
Read02a | Learning Markdown |
Read02b | Revesions and Cloud |
Read03 | Structure Web Pages with HTML |
Read04 | Programming with JavaScript |
Read05 | Operators and Loops |
Read06 | Design web pages with CSS |
Assignment | Link |
Read01 | Introductory HTML and JavaScript |
Read02 | HTML Text, CSS Introduction, and Basic JavaScript Instructions |
Read03 | HTML Lists, CSS Boxes, JS Control Flow |
Read04 | HTML Links, CSS Layout, JS Functions |
Read05 | HTML Images; CSS Color & Text |
Read06 | JS Object Literals; The DOM |
Read07 | HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions |
Read08 | More CSS Layout |
Read09 | Forms and Events |
Read10 | JS Debugging |
Read11 | Assorted Topics |
Read12 | Docs for the HTML <canvas> Element & Chart.js |
Read13 | Local Storage |
Read14a | CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations |
Read14b | What Google Learned About Teams |
Assignment | Link |
Read01 | Introduction to React and Components |
Read02 | State and Props |
Read03 | Passing Functions as Props |
Read04 | React and Forms |
Read05 | React Docs - thinking in React |
Read06 | Node.js |
Read07 | REST |
Read08 | RESTful web API design |
Read09 | Functional Programming Concepts |
Read010 | In memory storage |
Read11 | Authentication |
Read12 | Mongo and Mongoose |
Read13 | CRUD |
Assignment | Link |
Read01 | Pain vs. Suffering |
Read02 | Testing and Modules |
Read03 | FileIO & Exceptions |
Read04 | Classes and Objects |
Read05 | Link List |
Read06 | Game of Greed 1 |
Read07 | Game of Greed 2 |
Read08 | Game of Greed 3 |
Read09 | Game of Greed 4 |
Read10 | Stacks and Queues |
Read11 | Data Analysis |
Read12 | 10 minutes to pandas |
Read13 | Linear Regressions |
Read14 | Data Visualization |
Read15 | Implementation: Trees |
Read16 | Machine Learning Intro |
Read17 | Web Scraping |
Read18 | Cryptography |
Read19 | Automation |
Read26 | Intro to Django |
Read27 | Django Models |
Read28 | Django CRUD and Forms |
Read29 | Django Custom User |
Read30 | Hash Tables |
Read31 | Django REST Framework & Docker |
Read32 | Permissions & Postgresql |
Read33 | Authentication & Production Server |
Read34 | API Deployment |
Read35 | Graphs |
Read36 | DSA Review |
Read37 | React 1 |
Read38 | React 2 |
Read39 | React 3 |
Read41 | React 4 |
Read42 | Pythonisms |
Read43 | Ethics |
Read44 | Open-Source Software Contribution |