Amazon Clone to learn about microservices and full stack development
- Created an order and inventory service that communicate via message queue, and are also exposed to web through http api
- Entity Framwork to query the SQL database
- Used events and background workers to listen to messager queue
Angular 17
- Rxjs to handle asynchronous data
- NGRX to handle global store
- Style multiple compononts and pages with SCSS
RabbitMQ :
- Implemented event driven microservice architecture using this message queue
Database :
Redis :
- Implemented a redis cache and deployed using kubernetes
- Reduced calls to sql database by caching products with redis
- Deploy .NET services for product ordering and inventory management
- Deploy SQL database with persist claim which will preserve data even if container is killed
- Deploy services such that pods can communicate with each other
- Deployed Ingress load balancer
- Deployed RabbitMQ server