Make sure you have your React Native environment setup, if not please setup your environment from here.
The project uses firebase for providing many functionalities. Hence you'll need to start a firebase project and download your own google-services.json
file and place it in android/app/google-services.json
. Please follow the guide here, also make sure you go through the setup required for Google OAuth from here
- git clone
- cd flappyBird
- yarn
- yarn start
- yarn android
(Make sure you run
yarn start
and leave the bundler running and then runyarn android
on another terminal window)
All contributions are welcomed. Please follow the below key points!
Before you start your awesome work make sure you follow the below steps
- Create your own Fork of the flappyBird repo
- Create a new branch with a branch-name that starts with your name followed by what feature/issue you are going to add/resolve.
- Now let your work begin in this new branch and make sure you follow the code style of the project.
- Once you are done, Send us a pull request on the develop branch on the main flappyBird repo.
Some key points
- Each feature/issue you work with should have a different branch which should follow the stated naming convention
- Make sure you regularly pull changes from the develop branch, as it will be kept up to date with latest changes.
This project uses GitHub Issues for tracking bugs and feature requests, so feel free to open one if you find any :)