Collection of some revenue management tools for Python 3.
- Single leg optimizer (EMSRb)
- Fare transformation for unrestricted fare structures
- EMSRb for unrestricted fare structures (EMSRb-MR)
- A multi-flight recapture method (MFRM) for estimating unconstrained demand from sales transaction data
- Linear programming (LP) solver for calculating static bid prices and partitioned allocations
- Implement dynamic programming (DP) optimizer to model time-dependent arrival rates
- Implement network heuristics (DAVN, DP-LP decomposition)
- Integrate customer choice model into optimizers
- Talluri and van Ryzin: "The Theory and Practice of Revenue Management", Springer (2004)
- Fiig et al.: "Optimization of mixed fare structures: Theory and applications", Journal of Revenue and # Management (2010)
- Ratliff et al.: "A multi-flight recapture heuristic for estimating unconstrained demand from airline bookings", Journal of Revenue and # Management (2008)