This repository visualizes the following programming survey results.
- FreeCodeCamp New Code Surveys 2016-17
- Stackoverflow Developer Surveys 2011-2016
- Github Open Source Survey 2017
To Do
- Scripts for preprocessing survey data files (remove unnecessary columns, combine related columns etc)
- Preprocess (and load) all survey data files
- Display data column headers (from a given data file) as clickable buttons
- Simple pie-chart (client-side) visualization on column button on-click (for a given data file)
- Render charts server-side (to handle large survey-data files)
- Visualize two (or more) columns together from one data file (correlation)
- Visualize same/ similar data columns together from two (or more) data files (comparision/ trend)
- Visualize unrelated data columns from two (or more) data files (flexible data insights)