Setup VRG conda environment
conda env create -f VRG_env.yml
To run the VRG code.
conda activate VRG
cd VRG
usage: python [-h] [-g] [-c] [-m MU] [-t] [-o OUTDIR] [-n N] [-p] [-d]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g , --graph Name of the graph or path to gpickle file (default:
-c , --clustering Clustering method to use (default: leiden)
-m MU, --mu MU Size of RHS (mu) (default: 4)
-t , --type Grammar type (default: VRG)
-o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
Name of the output directory (default: output)
-n N Number of graphs to generate (default: 5)
-p, --grammar-pickle Use pickled grammar? (default: False)
-d, --cluster-pickle Use pickled dendrogram? (default: False)
-a ATTR_NAME, --attr-name ATTR_NAME
Name of Attribute (default: )
is generic VRG,NCE
is for isomorphic graphs and for node correspondence.
- Add partial and full correpsondence flags