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Deploys Hashicorp's Vault on AWS ECS Fargate with TLS enabled behind an Application Load Balancer, KMS auto unsealing, and backed by HA DynamoDB storage.

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This project creates a highly available Vault cluster backed by DynamoDB and exposed on an Application Load Balancer. The ALB will listen over HTTPS on port 443 and HTTP on port 80 which redirects to the HTTPS listener. By default, the security group on the ALB will only have one inbound rule which is a nested security group for the ECS service. Any other inbound rules must be added after deployment to connect.

Architecture Diagram

Note: You must already have a VPC deployed with at least two public and two private subnets.


High Level Deployment Steps

  • Create the certhelper container and store in ECR or similar.
  • Create and validate an ACM certificate.
  • Deploy CloudFormation.
  • Map ALB DNS to FQDN in Route53 or other DNS provider.
  • Add ingress rules on ALB security group.
  • Initialize Vault.

Cert Helper

For this deployment to work, you must create a container that will generate self-signed certificates. Ideally, this container will reside in ECR.

The cert helper is a container that will generate self-signed certificates specific to the running host each time a new vault task is created. The certhelper container and the vault container share a bind mount at /ssl which is where our deployment will look for the generated certificates. The vault container will not start until the cert helper container is in the COMPLETED status, indicating the certificates are created and available.

To build this container, edit's variables. Then perform standard docker build. Example ECR build and push below. Note the ECR repo certhelper already exists.

aws --profile $PROFILENAME ecr get-login-password --region #REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$

cd certhelper-container

docker build . -t $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$

docker push $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$

Create an ACM certificate for the ALB

Make a new ACM certificate. This certificate must be validated before deploying the CloudFormation.

Deploy Vault

Run the cloudformation here

Resources Created by the CloudFormation
KMS Key Alias
DynamoDB Table
ECS Cluster
ECS Service
ECS Task Definition
Internet Facing Application Load Balancer
HTTP ALB Listener
HTTPS ALB Listener
Target Group
ALB Security Group
ECS Service Security Group
ECS Execution IAM Role
ECS Task Execution IAM Role
CloudWatch Log Group


Map the created ALB DNS to your desired fully qualified domain name.

Initialize Vault

Scale your ECS service to at least one running task. Add your IP address to allowed inbound rules on the created ALB on port 443.

Once the targets are in-service on the load balancer, initialize Vault by running the following API call:

curl --request PUT -d '{"recovery_shares": 1, "recovery_threshold": 1}' https://YOUR-DNS-NAME/v1/sys/init

This will output something like:


Make sure you save this information in Secrets manager or similar. These keys can not be retrieved later. The root token is what you will use to initially log in an configure Vault.

Use Vault

To use Vault, you can connect via the UI, or via the CLI.

Install Vault

To use the CLI, you must first tell vault where your server is and log in.

export VAULT_ADDR='https://your-dns'
vault login

You can follow along with Hashicorp's getting started with Vault tutorial here at the your first secret step if desired.


  • ECS Fargate does not support ipc_lock capability which is recommended by Hashicorp to block process memory from being swapped to disk.
  • Running more than one vault task can cause long load times since vault will continually redirect to the ALB until it lands on the single primary Vault instance. More information can be found in Hashicorp's documentation under the load balancer section.


  • VPC endpoints can be leveraged to connect to DynamoDB and KMS. AWS_KMS_ENDPOINT and AWS_DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT are the variables vault needs to use them.
  • WAF can be attached to ALB.
  • Service Discovery can be added to ECS service (would require rebuild of the service if already deployed)
  • The UI can be disabled by modifying the ECS task variable VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG to ui = false ..... The target group health checks would also need to be updated if this is disabled, as the default healthcheck is /ui/vault/auth?with=token which only exists with enabled UI. This can be changed to /v1/sys/health but this health check path will only work once the cluster is initialized.


Deploys Hashicorp's Vault on AWS ECS Fargate with TLS enabled behind an Application Load Balancer, KMS auto unsealing, and backed by HA DynamoDB storage.






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