40_days_of_code List of Algorithms for challange
1 Greedy Algorithms
2 Basic Dynamic Programming(LIS,LCS,Coin Change, Knapsack,Edit distance)
3 Binary Search
4 Priority Queue
6 Graph (BFS,DFS)
7 MST (Minimum Spanning Tree) (Prim’s and Kruskal)
8 Dijkstra Algorithm (Shortest Path Algorithm)
9 Topological sort
10 Simple Segment Tree
11 Segment tree: Lazy Propagation
12 Modular Exponentiattion
13 Square Root Decomposition
14 Bellman-Ford
15 Suffix Array
16 Binary Search Tree
17 Bit Masking
18 Euler totient function
19 Recursion(Backtracking)
20 Fermate Little Theorem for nCr