- Introduce python from the absolute basics.
- Create a simple Todo application for the commandline
- Introduce Django
- Create a Todo application website
- Deploy on heroku
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- Lecture 1: [Notes] [Video] - Installing Python, REPL, using Python as a calculator, basic data types, input and output
- Lecture 2: [Notes] [Video] - Operators, Basic Control Flow - Conditionals, Loops and Functions
- Lecture 3: [Notes] [Video] - Basic Data Structures and Containers: Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries
- Lecture 4: [Notes] [Video] - Organizing Code & Dependency Management
- Lecture 5: [Notes] [Video] - File I/O, reading and writing text, csv and json files
- Lecture 6: [Notes] [Video] - Building a Todo CLI App with Python
- Lecture 7: [Notes] [Video] - Advanced Python