SCARV: processor core implementation
Acting as a component part of the wider SCARV project, the RISC-V compatible SCARV micro-controller (comprising a processor core and SoC) is the eponymous, capstone output, e.g., representing a demonstrator for the research oriented XCrypto ISE and the industry oriented RISC-V Scalar Cryptography ISE. The main repository acts as a general container for associated resources; this specific submodule houses the processor core implementation.
- Main branch for XCrypto related work.riscv/crypto-ise
- Main branch for RISC-V Crypto ISE implementation.scarv/skywater/main
- Main branch for Skywater tapeout
- Development branch for RISC-V AES ISE Evaluation.scarv/xcrypto/masking-ise
- Development branch for Software masking ISE.
This is a 5-stage single issue in order CPU core, implementing the RISC-V 32-bit integer base architecture, along with the Compressed and Multiply extensions. It's a micro-controller, with no cache, branch prediction or virtual memory.
See the docs/
folder for information on the design requirements and
the pipeline structure.
- Design Requirements
- Functional Verification
- Implementation Documentation:
Install the following tools installed to use all parts of the design flow:
A Toolchain which supports the XCrypto instruction set extension.
Checkout the repository and required submodules.
$> git clone $> cd scarv-cpu/ $> git submodule update --init --remote
Setup tool environment variables.
$> export YOSYS_ROOT=<path to yosys installation> $> export RISCV=<path to toolchain installation>
Configure the project environment.
$> source bin/
Build the verilator simulation model:
$> make verilator_build
Run the basic RISC-V compliance tests:
$> make riscv-compliance-build $> make riscv-compliance-run
Run the standard Yosys Synthesis flow:
$> make synthesise
This work has been supported in part by EPSRC via grant EP/R012288/1, under the RISE programme.