Disclaimer: the project isn't serious. It contains experiments with git hists and weird things. Use it at your own risk.
Table of Contents
$ make
This will create symlinks from this repo to your home folder.
Mod env vars, etc in the ./.extra
For my .vimrc
and .vim
dotfiles see
The tests use shellcheck. You don't need to install anything. They run in a container.
$ make test
- genuinetools: taken from github.com/genuinetools
- #: declared in ./bin
- *: declared in ./.functions
- +: declared in ./.dockerfunc
- speedtest
- weather (genuinetools)
- udict (genuinetools)
- tdash
- afk
- screen-backlight (#)
- slackpm (#)
- update-firmware (#)
- mkd (*)
- calc (*)
- tmpd (*)
- fsz (*)
- dataurl (*)
- gitio (*)
- server (*)
- json (*)
- mwiki (*)
- escape (*)
- openimg*)
- gogo (*)
- golistdeps (*)
- govendorcheck (*)
- check-go-repos (#)
- pepper
- icdiff
- goimports
- gorename
- golint
- guru
- gopls
- cover
- staticcheck
- golangci-lint
- gotags
- gocode
- godef
- getcertnames(*)
- amicontained
- certok (genuinetools)
- reg (genuinetools)
- browser-exec (#)
- cleanup-non-running-images (#)
- del_stopped (+)
- rmctr (+)
- relies_on (+)
- hmrandr (*)
- ofirandr (*)
- gmailfilters
- sembump
- htotheizzg