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The intention of this workshop is to learn about background processing in Android, and how to request data from external APIs.

  • Using AsyncTask for background work in Activities.
  • Retrieve network data with OkHttp.
  • Request data to a REST API using Retrofit.
  • Store local data in SharedPreferences.

In this workshop we're not building a new project from scratch, but rather using a base project with a couple of activities and evolve it integrating the features above.

The base project

We're building an application that lists Super Heroes retrieved from the Marvel API. Our base project has two Activities:

  • Super Heroes list (MainActivity): A list of images and names of the available super heroes.
  • Super Hero Detail (SuperHeroDetailActivity): A detailed view of a single Super Hero, with bigger image, name and description.

The Super Heroes are retrieved from each Activity through a SuperHeroesRepository. In the base project this repository is implemented with fake data and a Thread.sleep() to simulate network delay.

MainActivity SuperHeroDetailActivity

Companion slides

Here! 😃

Step by Step

Every commit in the repo is an small individual step. You can check out the list of commits to view the detailed process step by step.


  1. Base project: A two activity application which shows a list of super heroes and their detail | e2d76bb8
  2. Creating AsyncTasks for retrieving super heroes in background | 5738c511…31abbbb4
  3. Requesting data from a real API using OkHttp | dbb39f56
  4. Implementing the API with Retrofit 1.9 | 4e657c0a
  5. Storing and reading favorite super heroes with SharedPreferences | 73789d9e…44c98781


The app's look and feel are based on Karumi's SuperHeroes kata. If you're interested in testing, check it out!


Background processing and network API requests






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