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Wein2D.js bindings for creating browser games in Rust using WebAssembly.

Wein2D.js-WASM requires Wein2d.js to be loaded in the same document.

Code example

This is a simple Example for a program (rust):

mod wein2d_js;

use wein2d_js::*;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

// code for statically storing a GameState-struct

static mut STATIC_GAME_STATE: Option<GameState> = None;

fn set_game_state(game_state: GameState) { unsafe { STATIC_GAME_STATE = Some(game_state); } }

fn get_game_state_mut() -> &'static mut GameState { unsafe {
        Some(ref mut game_state) => { game_state }
        None => { panic!("Static Game State not defined.") }

struct GameState {
    height: f32,
    velocity: f32,

// on_start and on_frame functions

pub fn on_start() { // gets called directly after initialization
    set_game_state(GameState {
        height: 0.0,
        velocity: 0.0,

// cube values (feel free to play with these!)
static CUBE_SIZE: f32 = 25.0; // the width and height of the cube
static CUBE_JUMP_VELOCITY: f32 = 400.0; // the cube's jump velocity (in pixels per second)
static CUBE_GRAVITATION: f32 = 800.0; // gravitation (how much velocity gets removed per second)
static CUBE_BOUNCEBACK_MULTIPLIER: f32 = 0.4; // how much velocity the cube keeps after hitting the ground

pub fn on_frame() { // gets called once per frame
    // get game state
    let mut game_state: &mut GameState = get_game_state_mut();

    // update calls //////////////////////////////////////////////////

    // if space bar or left mouse button pressed, set the cubes velocity (let the cube jump up)
    if get_key(Key::SPACE) || get_mouse_l() { game_state.velocity = CUBE_JUMP_VELOCITY; }

    // move the cube up and down according to it's velocity
    game_state.height += game_state.velocity * get_delta_time();
    // if the cube is not on the ground remove some of the cube's velocity (gravitation)
    if game_state.height > 0.0 { game_state.velocity -= CUBE_GRAVITATION * get_delta_time() }

    // if the cube is below or on the ground, set him onto the ground, invert the cube's velocity (movement) and remove some of it's velocity
    if game_state.height <= 0.0 {
        game_state.velocity = -game_state.velocity * CUBE_BOUNCEBACK_MULTIPLIER;
        game_state.height = 0.0;

    // render calls //////////////////////////////////////////////////

    // fill the screen with blue
    fill(11, 138, 143, 255);

    // draw the cube
        .set_position((get_width() - CUBE_SIZE) / 2.0, get_height() - CUBE_SIZE - game_state.height)// draw at the center of the screen and cube's height
        .set_size(CUBE_SIZE, CUBE_SIZE) // draw the cube with it's width and height
        .set_color(255, 255, 255, 255) // draw in white
        .rotate_degrees(game_state.height) // rotate it by its height in degrees (why? because it looks cool)
        .draw(); // draw it

Include the build in a webpage like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
            * { margin: 0px; overflow: hidden; }
            canvas { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; }
        <script src="wein2d.js"></script> <!-- include Wein2D.js (or a minified version) -->
        <script src="wein2d-wasm.js"></script> <!-- include Wein2D.js-WASM (or a minified version) -->
            window.onload = function()
                    document.getElementById("canvas"), // target element with ID "canvas"
                    "/pkg/Wein2D_js_wasm.js" // wasm-bindgen generated js file when building using "wasm-pack build --target web"
        <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <!-- normal canvas element -->


Documentation for Wein2D.js-WASM can be found at