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Class 41

Shamus Clifford edited this page Jan 16, 2020 · 3 revisions


  1. Opener: Take 5 minutes to review your article/summary.
  2. Present articles in small groups. (Let's try this again)
  3. Programming meetings.
  4. Complete Challenges and Projects in your field of study.
  5. Fill out weekly check in. (Due Today!)
  6. Closer: On the back of your Weekly Check-In, write 2-3 sentences about the article you found most interesting.

Content Objectives

  • Students will be able to present a current event or technological change.
  • Students will be able to weigh the pros and cons of the current event or technological change.

Language Objectives

  • Speaking to make an oral presentation to one’s class, one’s peers, one’s community.
  • Speaking to convey one’s thinking in complete sentences.
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