Raspberry Pi hack completed at Bitcamp 2015, a 36-hr hackathon hosted by the University of Maryland.
twitterbot.py was the file authored exclusively by scmilburn and drakeling. All other files were either from the roomba's parents: The Labroratory for Telecommunication Science, twython, or various OS/apt-get installations.
To access the roomba's ethernet directly, you must connect to the network.
roomba's pi:
roomba's webcam:
[EDIT: I just realized this networking configuration will be OS install dependant, this is how it was set up for us]
To run the twitterbot, simply type: twitter
Future iterations would include:
- Getting Twitter Streaming API to work so we can reply to tweets directed at the roomba to fulfill requests
- to take a "roombie" - picture
- to tell us a joke
- go into "streaming" mode, feeding live video
- drive in a straight line until collision, then resume clean mode
- have the roomba follow others on twitter
- to power down (would add a tweet on power up to save its alive, and another to declare it shutting down)
- Getting some form of object recognition through the webcam
- have the webcam attempt to find certain objects before snapping a picture
- have tweets request to find certain objects where the roomba currently is, and tweet about them
- Use of big data to procedurally write tweets
- Use park data to have to rooma "Wish it was" at a random park
- Give the roomba a sense of justice by saying it'll "Clean up" areas of higher crime
- Improving picture clean up (some pictures still made it through my delete calls)
- Improving crash behavior (right now, the cleaning routine will continue in some cases when the script dies)