Repro of Visual Studio bug
- Clone and build this project on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 16.6.4
- Set up a Linux server installed with .NET Core
- OS I used: centos-release-7-7.1908.0.el7.centos.x86_64
- dotnet versions I used (from yum list installed | grep dotnet):
dotnet-apphost-pack-3.1.x86_64 3.1.2-1 @packages-microsoft-com-prod
dotnet-host.x86_64 3.1.6-1 @packages-microsoft-com-prod
dotnet-hostfxr-3.1.x86_64 3.1.6-1 @packages-microsoft-com-prod
dotnet-runtime-3.1.x86_64 3.1.6-1 @packages-microsoft-com-prod
dotnet-runtime-deps-3.1.x86_64 3.1.6-1 @packages-microsoft-com-prod
dotnet-sdk-3.1.x86_64 3.1.302-1 @packages-microsoft-com-prod
dotnet-targeting-pack-3.1.x86_64 3.1.0-1 @packages-microsoft-com-prod
- Put a copy of the built version of the project on the linux server
- I do this by using a publish profile to push it to a SMB share of my Linux home directory.
- SSH into the Linux server, cd to the folder where you copied the project, and start the project with the command
DOTNETDEBUG=1 dotnet ThreadUnfreezingRepro.dll
- In Visual Studio, set a breakpoint in the Work method within Program.cs.
- In Visual Studio, attach to the remote Linux process over SSH (see
- When you hit the breakpoint, use the Visual Studio Threads window to freeze all of the threads except the one you are stopped in.
- In Visual Studio, hit F10 to step a single line of the program.
- In Visual studio, look again at the Threads window: you will observe that all of the frozen threads have thawed.