Deploy Elasticache Slowlog to Datadog lambda function to AWS account
This terraform module deploys elasticache-slowlog-to-datadog to AWS so that slowlog entry metrics can be submitted to Datadog.
module slowlog_check {
source = "git::"
elasticache_endpoint = ""
elasticache_security_groups = ["sg-12345"]
subnet_ids = [ "subnet-0123456789abcdef", "subnet-abcdef1234567890", "subnet-1234567890abcdef", ]
vpc_id = "vpc-0123456789abcdef"
datadog_api_key = "abc123"
datadog_app_key = "abc123"
namespace = "example"
env = "dev"
tags = {"foo" = "bar"}
The following parameters need to be supplied to the terraform job
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Default |
elasticache_endpoint | string | AWS Elasticache endpoint to get slowqueries from | yes | - |
elasticache_security_groups | list(string) | AWS Elasticache Security groups to bind to | yes | [] |
subnet_ids | list(string) | Subnets to associate with VPC lambda job | yes | - |
vpc_id | string | VPC to associate with VPC lambda job | yes | - |
datadog_api_key | string | Datadog API key | yes | - |
datadog_app_key | string | Datadog App key | yes | - |
namespace | string | Namespace tag to pass to datadog | yes | - |
env | string | Namespace tag to pass to datadog | yes | - |
metric_name | string | Custom metric name to pass ot datadog | no | "elasticache.slowlog" |
ssm_path | string | Custom SSM path to provision Datadog access ID's in. Leading slash ommitted. | no | "slowlog_check" |
tags | object | Additional tags to create resources with and to send to datadog | no | {} |
To use terraform-elasticache-slowlog-to-datadog you need:
- An AWS account with an Elasticache instance running the
engine. - A Datadog account
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