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Releases: sdcTools/sdcMicro

CRAN release 5.7.1

19 Jul 09:09
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  • Feature: added new function recordSwap() that implmements targetted record swapping
  • Bugfix in extractManipData() with only a single categorical variable, thx @tamertemizer for reporting
  • Allow to change fixed threshold for undo-feature (undolast()) using env-var sdcMicro_maxsize_undo

CRAN release 5.6.1

09 Aug 08:50
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  • various fixes in sdcApp(), e. g:
    • pram (expert) button is now shown again
    • kAnon correctly shows button
  • additional data-utility / information-loss measures IL_correl() and IL_variables()
  • fix in addGhostVars() that now correctly initializes @manipGhostVars
  • fix order in microaggregationGower()

CRAN release 5.6.0

21 Jan 09:44
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  • fix for change in base R function order/sort in R 4.1.0
  • write intermediate files to temp-directory in rmarkdown::render() to fix possible deployment problems with rsconnect when using report()
  • bugfix in pram()
  • bugfix in dRisk()
  • updates when reading foreign-file formats into sdcApp()

CRAN Release 5.3.0

25 May 07:00
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This minor release update contains mainly improvements for the graphical user interface.

CRAN Release 5.2.0

14 Apr 19:55
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This release contains mainly bugfixes for the GUI (it is now easier to deploy on shiny server) as well as a changes indUtility() where a bug was fixed and methods IL1 and IL1s can now be distinguished. Also a new gh-page ( was created.

CRAN Release 5.1.0

02 Feb 08:16
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This release contains mainly bugfixes for the GUI (e.g. when >=10 categorical key variables have been set or correctly passing additional arguments for writeSafeFile(..., format="csv"). sdcApp() can now easier deployed on a shiny server. Furthermore there is a new helper-function kAnon_violations() that returns the number of records violating k-anonymity in the sample or the population. Furthermore, some improvements regarding to error-handling and parametrisation have been done in riskyCells() and localSupperssion() and the vignettes were also improved.

CRAN Release 5.0.4

22 Oct 14:05
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This release contains a new default theme for the graphical user interface as well as some minor bugfixes, improvements and code-optimization. Version 5.0.4 also contains two new functions (argus_rankswap() and argus_microaggregation() that use c++-code directly from mu-argus for comparability reasons. Furthermore, there is a new function riskyCells() that allows to compute "unsafe cells" as in mu-argus.

CRAN Release 5.0.3

17 Aug 06:46
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This release contains some improvements and bug-fixes for the GUI (e.g showing the name of any uploaded file or fixing summary statistics). It also changed the way, suda2-scores are computed (defaulting now to the way these scores are computed in the original paper). Also fixing some edge-cases in frequency-calculation and local suppression. Furthermore, references have been updated and documentation of some functions has been improved.

CRAN Release 5.0.2

17 Aug 06:43
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This release includes some small improvements in the graphical user interface (fixes for non-utf8 encoded metadata when uploading them within the GUI) as well as consistency improvements some code cleanup. Also, weight-variables must not contain missing values.

CRAN Release 5.0.1

14 Mar 13:44
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This release includes some small improvements in the graphical user interface and preperations for new major R version.