Picologic is a lightweight library for working with symbolic logic expressions. It is built against the picosat Haskell library which bundles the SAT solver with the Haskell package so no external solver or dependencies are necessary.
Picologic provides the logic expressions, parser and normal form conversion, and Tseytin transformations to express the logic expressions in equational form and generate constraint sets for use in SAT/SMT solvers.
To use the library using Stack use:
$ git clone git@github.com:sdiehl/picologic.git
$ cd picologic
$ stack build
$ stack test
Or using Cabal:
$ cabal install picologic
To build the interactive shell compile with the -fshell
$ cabal get picologic
$ cd picologic-0.2.0
$ cabal configure -fshell
$ cabal install
To use the API import the Picologic
import Picologic
p, q, r :: Expr
p = readExpr "~(A | B)"
q = readExpr "(A | ~B | C) & (B | D | E) & (D | F)"
r = readExpr "(φ <-> ψ)"
s = readExpr "(0 | A) -> (A & 1)"
ps = ppExprU p
-- ¬(A ∨ B)
qs = ppExprU q
-- ((((A ∨ ¬B) ∨ C) ∧ ((B ∨ D) ∨ E)) ∧ (D ∨ F))
rs = ppExprU (cnf r)
-- ((φ ∧ (φ ∨ ¬ψ)) ∧ ((ψ ∨ ¬φ) ∧ ψ))
ss = ppExprU s
-- ((⊥ ∨ A) → (A ∧ ⊤))
ss1 = ppExprU (cnf s)
-- ⊤
main :: IO ()
main = solveProp p >>= putStrLn . ppSolutions
-- ¬A ¬B
-- ¬A B
-- A ¬B
The expression AST consists just of the logical connectives or constants.
newtype Ident = Ident String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)
data Expr
= Var Ident -- ^ Variable
| Neg Expr -- ^ Logical negation
| Conj Expr Expr -- ^ Logical conjunction
| Disj Expr Expr -- ^ Logical disjunction
| Iff Expr Expr -- ^ Logical biconditional
| Implies Expr Expr -- ^ Material implication
| Top -- ^ Constant true
| Bottom -- ^ Constant false
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Typeable)
To use the interactive shell when compiled with with -fshell
at the shell.
$ picologic
Picologic 0.1
Type :help for help
Logic> p | q
(p ∨ q)
p q
¬p q
p ¬q
Logic> ~(a -> (b <-> c))
(a ∧ ((b ∨ c) ∧ (¬b ∨ ¬c)))
¬a ¬b c
a b ¬c
¬a b ¬c
a ¬b c
Logic> :clauses
Released under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2014-2020, Stephen Diehl