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Instant Github-flavored Markdown/Org preview using grip


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Instant Github-flavored Markdown/Org preview using Grip (GitHub Readme Instant Preview), mdopen or go-grip.


Alternative markdown preview without accessing GitHub API

  • mdopen: cargo install mdopen
  • go-grip: go install



From melpa, M-x package-install RET grip-mode RET.

;; Make a keybinding: `C-c C-c g'
(define-key markdown-mode-command-map (kbd "g") #'grip-mode)

;; Or start grip when opening a markdown/org buffer
(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook #'grip-mode)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'grip-mode)


;; Use keybindings
(use-package grip-mode
  :ensure t
  :config (setq grip-command 'auto) ;; auto, grip, go-grip or mdopen
  :bind (:map markdown-mode-command-map
         ("g" . grip-mode)))

;; Or using hooks
(use-package grip-mode
  :ensure t
  :config (setq grip-command 'go-grip) ;; auto, grip, go-grip or mdopen
  :hook ((markdown-mode org-mode) . grip-mode))

⚠️ NOTE: mdopen opens markdown preview in default browser, and doesn't support emacs webkit preview. ⚠️

⚠️ NOTE: go-grips runs locally, does not use the github API, and supports emacs webkit preview. ⚠️

Run M-x grip-mode to preview the markdown and org buffers in the embedded webkit browser if Emacs supports (built with --with-xwidgets), or in the default browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.).

ox-gfm is optional, but it brings better rendering for org files.

Enjoy! 😄


Run M-x customize-group RET grip RET or set the variables.

;; Command: auto, grip, go-grip or mdopen
(setq grip-command 'auto)

;; Theme choice
(setq grip-theme 'auto)

;; Use embedded webkit to preview
;; This requires GNU/Emacs version >= 26 and built with the `--with-xwidgets` option.
;; mdopen doesn't support webkit preview.
(setq grip-preview-use-webkit t)

;; You can use this variable to define another browser
;; to use when loading previews. By default this value is `nil`
;; meaning use default browser defined by your system.
;; It respects `grip-preview-use-webkit'.
(setq grip-url-browser "custom_browser")

;; If you want to pass arguements to your custom browser then use
(setq grip-url-args '("arg1" "arg2" "etc"))

;; A base URL to another GitHub API.
;; Only available for `grip'.
(setq grip-github-api-url "")

;; A GitHub username for API authentication
;; Only available for `grip'.
(setq grip-github-user "")

;; A GitHub password or auth token for API auth
;; Only available for `grip'.
(setq grip-github-password "")

;; Preview hostname
;; Only available for `grip'.
(setq grip-preview-host "localhost")

;; When nil, update the preview after file saves only, instead of also
;; after every text change
(setq grip-update-after-change nil)

;; Sleep seconds to ensure the server starts
(setq grip-sleep-time 2)

If you don't set them you may have limitation to access Github APIs. Please visit Grip Access for details.

You can get the user name and password from ~/.authinfo like this.

(require 'auth-source)
(let ((credential (auth-source-user-and-password "")))
  (setq grip-github-user (car credential)
        grip-github-password (cadr credential)))





  • Need to save to preview org buffers due to the performance trade-off.


  1. How to resolve the issue: "GitHub Rate Limit Reached"?

    You need to set your GitHub username to grip-github-user, then Creating a personal access token for the command line and set the new token to grip-github-password.


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