Table of Contents
This is a project to build a mobile App, with:
- Base language: TypeScript
- Base Framework: Expo and React-Native
- For navigate: React-navigation
- Fort style: React-Native-paper
- For request: Axios
- For code style: Eslint and prettier
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
You should have done the Installation of Expo
- Expo Cli
- Node.js(v16.17.0)
- Git
- Watchman
- VS Code Edito
- Yarn
Also you shold have at least IOS simulator or Android Emulatorr.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install yarn packages
yarn install
- Run app
npx expo start
- After this you can run on your simulator, web or your own phone:
i -> run on IOS
a -> run on android
w -> run on web
- Make your own branch:
git checkout -b 'feat/AmazingFeature'
- Commit your Changes(convention)
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
- Push to the Branch
git push origin 'feat/AmazingFeature'
- Open a Pull Request Following the Template
For some tutorials, go to this link that have some info