This repository holds summaries for various subjects I visited when going to university.
Please note that they may be outdated.
- OTH Regensburg 2018 - 2023: BSc Computer Science
- 03_Semester:
- Kommunikatonssysteme
- Operating Systems
- 04_Semester:
- Project
for App Development - Computerarithmetik & Rechenverfahren
- Rechnertechnik
- Software Engineering
- Project
- 06_Semester:
- Computergrafik
- Data Warehouse
- Informationssicherheit
- Verteilte Systeme
- 07_Semester:
- Project
for Softwareentwicklung - Project
for Data Science
- Project
- 03_Semester:
- OTH Regensburg 2023 - 2025: MSc Software Engineering
- 01_Semester:
- Moderne Theoretische Informatik
- Spezielle Algorithmen
- 02_Semester:
- Secure Programming
- Wissenschaftliches Seminar / WIS
- Includes paper, poster and sources
- 03_Semester:
- Distributed Computing
- Includes lab unit solutions
- Distributed Computing
- 01_Semester:
- Maynooth University 2024: MSc Software Engineering (Erasmus Exchange Semester)
- Rigorous Process (CS603)
- Projects can be found in
- Projects can be found in
- Software Testing (CS608)
- Internet Solutions Engineering (CS615)
- Project can be found in
- Project can be found in
- Rigorous Process (CS603)
The lecture summaries in this repository are provided for educational purposes only. I do not claim ownership of the information contained within them. If the original owner requests removal, I will promptly take them down. Additionally, please note that I do not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of these summaries.