Robot description for the Eddie robot in form of URDF files, controllers and meshes. Gripper not added.
Ubuntu: 24.04
ROS2: Jazzy
Clone this repository into your workspace
# Create workspace mkdir -p ~/eddie_ws/src && cd ~/eddie_ws/src # Clone repository git clone
Build workspace
cd ~/eddie_ws colcon build
Clone ependendent packages
cd ~/eddie_ws/src vcs import < eddie_description/dep.repos
View robot in rviz
cd ~/eddie_ws # Source workspace source install/setup.bash # View robot in rviz ros2 launch eddie_description joint_state_gui:=false
View robot in rviz with joint state gui
ros2 launch eddie_description joint_state_gui:=true
- The URDF and the mesh files for the whole Eddie robot including arms and Robotiq-2F-85 gripper are available in the eddie_urdf folder.
TODO: Image of Eddie with arms in rviz to be added